Friday, December 14, 2012

1212.3012 (Thomas Grujic et al.)

Repulsively induced photon super-bunching in driven resonator arrays    [PDF]

Thomas Grujic, Stephen R. Clark, Dieter Jaksch, Dimitris G. Angelakis
We analyze the non-equilibrium behaviour of driven nonlinear photonic resonator arrays under the selective excitation of specific photonic many-body modes. Targeting the unit-filled ground state, we find a counter-intuitive `super bunching' in the emitted photon statistics in spite of relatively strong onsite repulsive interaction. We consider resonator arrays with Kerr nonlinearities described by the Bose Hubbard model, but also show that an analogous effect is observable in near-future experiments coupling resonators to two-level systems as described by the Jaynes Cummings Hubbard Hamiltonian. For the experimentally accessible case of a pair of coupled resonators forming a photonic molecule, we provide an analytical explanation for the nature of the effect.
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