Thursday, December 27, 2012

1212.5688 (D. Z. Xu et al.)

Collective effects of multi-scatterer on coherent propagation of photon
in a two dimensional network

D. Z. Xu, Yong Li, C. P. Sun, Peng Zhang
We study the collective phenomenon in the scattering of a single-photon by one or two layers of two-level atoms. By modeling the photon dispersion with a two-dimensional (2D) coupled cavity array, we analytically derive the scattering probability of a single-photon. It is discovered that in the case with one layer of atoms, the atomic collective excitation leads to a shift for the single-photon scattering spectrum. Such a shift is related to the density of the atomic ensemble. For the case with two layers of atoms, an inter-layer effective coupling appears and induces an electromagnetic-induced-transparency-like phenomenon for the single-photon scattering. Our result provides a new scheme of analyzing photon coherent transport in 2D and may help to understand the current experiments about the high energy photon scattering by the layer nuclei material.
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