Thursday, January 10, 2013

1301.1772 (Denis Kast et al.)

Dynamics of quantum coherences at strong coupling to a heat bath    [PDF]

Denis Kast, Joachim Ankerhold
The standard approach for path integral Monte Carlo simulations of open quantum systems is extended as an efficient tool to monitor the time evolution of coherences (off-diagonal elements of the reduced density matrix) also for strong coupling to environments. Specific simulations are performed for two level systems embedded in Ohmic and sub-Ohmic reservoirs in the domains of coherent and incoherent dynamics of the polarization. In the latter regime, the notorious difficulty to access the long time regime is overcome by combining simulations on moderate time scales with iteratively calculated initial densities. This allows to extract relaxation rates for sub-Ohmic environments at finite temperatures and over a broad range of couplings and to compare them to analytical predictions. The time evolution of the von Neumann entropy provides insight into the quantum phase transition at thermal equilibrium from a delocalized to a localized state at zero temperature.
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