Friday, January 11, 2013

1301.2199 (Kang-Soo Lee et al.)

Truncated many-body dynamics of interacting bosons: A variational
principle with error monitoring

Kang-Soo Lee, Uwe R. Fischer
We introduce a scheme to describe the evolution of an interacting system of bosons, for which the field operator expansion is truncated after a finite number of modes, in a rigourously controlled manner. Using McLachlan's principle of least error, we find a self-consistent set of equations for the many-body state. As a particular benefit, and in distinction to previously proposed approaches, our approach allows for the dynamical increase of the number of orbitals during the temporal evolution. The additional orbitals, determined by the condition of least error of the truncated evolution relative to the exact one, are obtained from an initial trial state by a method we call steepest constrained descent.
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