Wednesday, January 23, 2013

1301.5037 (Easwar Magesan et al.)

Experimentally efficient methods for estimating the performance of
quantum measurements

Easwar Magesan, Paola Cappellaro
Efficient methods for characterizing the performance of quantum measurements are important in the experimental quantum sciences. Ideally, one requires both a physically relevant distinguishability measure between measurement operations and a well-defined experimental procedure for estimating the distinguishability measure. Here, we propose the average measurement fidelity and error between quantum measurements as distinguishability measures. We provide protocols for obtaining bounds on these quantities that are both estimable using experimentally accessible quantities and scalable in the size of the quantum system. This gives an exponential reduction in the resources required for complete measurement tomography. We explain why the bounds should be valid in large generality and illustrate the method via numerical examples.
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