Thursday, January 31, 2013

1301.7135 (Shumpei Masuda)

Protection of quantum states from disturbance due to random potential by
successive translation

Shumpei Masuda
We show a method to protect quantum states from the disturbance due to the random potential by successive rapid manipulations of the quantum states. The quantum states are kept undisturbed for a longer time than the case of the simple trapping with a stationary potential. The effective potential, which the quantum states feel, becomes uniform when the velocity of the transport is sufficiently large. It is also shown that the alternating transport of a Bose-Einstein condensate with the driving potential derived by fast-forward scaling theory [Masuda and Nakamura, Proc. R. Soc. A 466, 1135 (2010)] can protect it from the disturbance.
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