Atsunori Sakurai, Yoshitaka Tanimura
The quantum dissipative dynamics of a tunneling process through double barrier structures is investigated on the basis of a rigorous treatment for the first time. We employ a Caldeira-Leggett Hamiltonian with an effective potential calculated self-consistently, accounting for the electron distribution. With this Hamiltonian, we use the reduced hierarchy equations of motion in the Wigner space representation to study the effects of non-Markovian thermal fluctuations and dissipation at finite temperature in a rigorous manner. Hysteresis, double plateau-like behavior, and self-excited current oscillation are observed in a negative differential resistance (NDR) region of the current-voltage curve. We find that while most of the current oscillations decay in time in the NDR region, there is a steady oscillation characterized by a tornado-like rotation in the Wigner space in the upper plateau of the NDR region.
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