Tuesday, March 5, 2013

1303.0685 (Alex E. Bernardini et al.)

Probing phase-space noncommutativity through quantum beating, missing
information and the thermodynamic limit

Alex E. Bernardini, O. Bertolami
In this work we examine the effect of phase-space noncommutativity on some typically quantum properties such as quantum beating, quantum information, and decoherence. To exemplify these issues we consider the two-dimensional noncommutative quantum harmonic oscillator whose components behavior we monitor in time. This procedure allows to determine how the noncommutative parameters are related to the missing information quantified by the linear quantum entropy and by the mutual information between the relevant Hilbert space coordinates. Particular issues concerning the thermodynamic limit of some relevant properties are also discussed in order to evince the effects of noncommutativity. Finally, through an analogy with the Zeeman effect, we identify how some aspects of the axial symmetry of the problem suggest the possibility of decoupling the noncommutative quantum perturbations from unperturbed commutative well-known solutions.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1303.0685

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