Monday, March 18, 2013

1303.3861 (R. Sufiani et al.)

Generation of quantum entanglement between three level atoms via $n$
coupled cavities

R. Sufiani, A. Darkhosh
Based on two-photon exchange interaction between $n$ coupled optical cavities each of them containing a single three level atom, the $n$-qubit and $n$-photonic state transfer is investigated. In fact, following the approach of Ref.\cite{Alex1}, we consider $n$ coupled cavities instead of two cavities and generalize the discussions about quantum state transfer, photon transition between cavities and entanglement generations between $n$ atoms. More clearly, by employing the consistency of number of photons (the symmetry of Hamiltonian), the hamiltonian of the system is reduced from $3^n$ dimensional space into 2n dimensional one. Moreover, by introducing suitable basis for the atom-cavity state space based on Fourier transform, the reduced Hamiltonian is block-diagonalized, with 2 dimensional blocks. Then, the initial state of the system is evolved under the corresponding Hamiltonian and the suitable times $T$ at which the initially unentangled atoms, become maximally entangled, are determined in terms of the hopping strength $\xi$ between cavities.
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