Xiang-Chun Ma, Shi-Hai Sun, Mu-Sheng Jiang, Lin-Mei Liang
We present the wavelength attack on practical continuous variables quantum key distribution system with heterodyne protocol, in which the transmittance of beam splitters at Bob's station is wavelength-dependent. Our strategy is proposed independently analogous to that of Han's group (arxiv: 1206.6550v1), but in Han's paper the shot noise of the two beams that Eve sends to Bob transmitting after the homodyne detectors is unconsidered. However, shot noise is the main contribution to the deviation of Bob's measurements from Eve's when implementing the wavelength attack, so it must be considered accurately. In this paper, we firstly analyze the solutions of the equations specifically that must be satisfied in this attack, which is unconsidered rigorously in Han's paper. Then we calculate the shot noise of the homodyne detectors accurately and conclude that the wavelength attack can be implemented successfully in some parameter regime.
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