Tuesday, April 16, 2013

1304.4065 (A. A. Gangat et al.)

Ultra-scalable and deterministic many-resonator W-entanglement of nearly
arbitrary microwave states

A. A. Gangat, I. P. McCulloch, G. J. Milburn
Multipartite entanglement on very large scales is a crucial requirement for quantum information processing (QIP), but no discrete variable proposals have been put forth for resonators. In this theoretical work, we present a highly scalable black box scheme that accepts as input any microwave resonator state with negligible occupation of number states $|0>$ and $|1>$, and nonlocally superposes it across an arbitrarily large array of resonators. The resulting large-scale entanglement is of the W-type, which is well-known for its robustness. The scheme employs a (quasi-)quantum phase transition of the attractive Bose-Hubbard model to generate the multipartite entanglement in parallel, and is therefore deterministic and permits an increase in resonator number with no increase in resources; the number of resonators is limited instead by system characteristics such as uniformity of resonator frequencies and inter-resonator coupling strength. Only one local and two global controls are required for the scheme. The scheme is made viable due to recent advances in superconducting circuit technology. We numerically demonstrate the scheme using realistic system parameters, and estimate that current capabilities can realize the scheme with greater than 100 resonators on a timescale of about 100 nanoseconds. Because superconducting microwave resonators are capable of exchanging quanta with qubits, mechanical resonators, and (potentially) optical fields, this proposal provides a route toward large-scale W-type entanglement in those modes as well.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1304.4065

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