Thursday, April 25, 2013

1304.6679 (Nikolai Kiesel et al.)

Cavity cooling of an optically levitated nanoparticle    [PDF]

Nikolai Kiesel, Florian Blaser, Uros Delic, David Grass, Rainer Kaltenbaek, Markus Aspelmeyer
The ability to trap and to manipulate individual atoms is at the heart of current implementations of quantum simulations, quantum computing, and long-distance quantum communication. Controlling the motion of larger particles opens up yet new avenues for quantum science, both for the study of fundamental quantum phenomena in the context of matter wave interference, and for new sensing and transduction applications in the context of quantum optomechanics. Specifically, it has been suggested that cavity cooling of a single nanoparticle in high vacuum allows for the generation of quantum states of motion in a room-temperature environment as well as for unprecedented force sensitivity. Here, we take the first steps into this regime. We demonstrate cavity cooling of an optically levitated nanoparticle consisting of approximately 10e9 atoms. The particle is trapped at modest vacuum levels of a few millibar in the standing-wave field of an optical cavity and is cooled through coherent scattering into the modes of the same cavity. We estimate that our cooling rates are sufficient for ground-state cooling, provided that optical trapping at a vacuum level of 10e-7 millibar can be realized in the future, e.g., by employing additional active-feedback schemes to stabilize the optical trap in three dimensions. This paves the way for a new light-matter interface enabling room-temperature quantum experiments with mesoscopic mechanical systems.
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