Monday, May 6, 2013

1007.5179 (Dipankar Home et al.)

Larmor precession reexamined: Testable correction and its ramifications    [PDF]

Dipankar Home, Alok Kumar Pan, Arka Banerjee
For a spin-polarized plane wave passing through a spin-rotator containing uniform magnetic field, we provide a detailed analysis for solving the appropriate Schr\"{o}dinger equation. A modified expression for spin precession is obtained which reduces to the standard Larmor precession relation when kinetic energy is very large compared to the spin-magnetic field interaction. We show that there are experimentally verifiable regimes of departure from the standard Larmor precession formula. The treatment is then extended to the case of a spin-polarized wave packet passing through a uniform magnetic field. The results based on the standard expression for Larmor precession and that obtained from the modified formula are compared in various regimes of the experimental parameters.
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