1304.7850 (Oleg Kupervasser)
Oleg Kupervasser
Recently David Jennings and Terry Rudolph published two papers as reaction on Maccone's paper "Quantum Solution to the Arrow-of-Time Dilemma". In these papers, the authors suppose that second law of thermodynamics is not relevant for quantum systems. Unfortunately, these papers did not get relevant reply from Maccone. The reason of this is following. Both Maccone and the above-mentioned authors use thermodynamic law and thermodynamic-like terminology for non-thermodynamic systems, for example, microscopic system of three qubits. However, big size of a system (quantum or classic) is also not an enough condition for a system to be macroscopic. The macroscopic system must also be chaotic and has small chaotic interaction with its environment/observer resulting in decoherence (decorrelation). We demonstrate that for relevant thermodynamic macroscopic quantum systems no objection appears.
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