Tuesday, May 7, 2013

1305.1083 (Hidetoshi Kumagai et al.)

Robustness of quantum communication based on decoherence-free subspace
using counter-propagating weak coherent light pulse

Hidetoshi Kumagai, Takashi Yamamoto, Masato Koashi, Nobuyuki Imoto
We study distribution schemes for a polarization entangled photon pair based on a decoherence-free subspace over lossy quantum channels and propose an efficient scheme that is robust against not only collective phase noises but also general collective noises for two qubits. While the proposed scheme employs two photons to build the decoherence-free subspace, the success probability is proportional to the channel transmittance of a single photon with the aid of a counter-propagating weak coherent light pulse. The key ingredient in the scheme is found to be the reciprocity of the channel. The proposed scheme shares the rest of the properties with the previously proposed schemes, i.e., it can be realized by linear optical elements and it is robust against the fluctuations in the optical circuits used by the two parties.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1305.1083

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