Sunday, May 19, 2013

1305.3862 (Lushuai Cao et al.)

The Multi-Layer Multi-Configuration Time-Dependent Hartree Method for
Bosons: Theory, Implementation and Applications

Lushuai Cao, Sven Krönke, Oriol Vendrell, Peter Schmelcher
We develop the multi-layer multi-configuration time-dependent Hartree method for bosons (ML-MCTDHB), a variational numerically exact ab-initio method for studying the quantum dynamics and stationary properties of bosonic systems. ML-MCTDHB takes advantage of the permutation symmetry of identical bosons, which allows for investigations of the quantum dynamics from few to many-body systems. Moreover, the multi-layer feature enables ML-MCTDHB to describe mixed bosonic systems consisting of arbitrary many species. Multi-dimensional as well as mixed-dimensional systems can be accurately and efficiently simulated via the multi-layer expansion scheme. We provide a detailed account of the underlying theory and the corresponding implementation. We also demonstrate the superior performance by applying the method to the tunneling dynamics of bosonic ensembles in a one-dimensional double well potential, where a single-species bosonic ensemble of various correlation strengths and a weakly interacting two-species bosonic ensemble are considered.
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