Tuesday, May 21, 2013

1305.4207 (Jia-wen Deng et al.)

Speeding Up Classical and Quantum Adiabatic Processes: Implications for
Work Functions and Heat Engine Designs

Jia-wen Deng, Qing-hai Wang, Jiangbin Gong
Adiabatic processes are important for studying the dynamics of a time-dependent system. Conventionally, the adiabatic processes can only be achieved by varying the system slowly. We speed up both classical and quantum adiabatic processes by adding control protocols. In classical systems, we work out the control protocols by analyzing the classical adiabatic approximation. In quantum systems, we follow the idea of transitionless driving by Berry [J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. Vol.42 365303 (2009)]. Such fast-forward adiabatic processes can be performed at arbitrary fast speed, and in the meanwhile reduce the work fluctuation. In both systems, we use a time-dependent harmonic oscillator model to work out explicitly the work function and the work fluctuation in three types of processes: fast-forward adiabatic processes, adiabatic processes, and non-adiabatic processes. We show the significant reduction on work fluctuation in fast-forward adiabatic process. We further illustrate how the fast-forward process improved the converging rate of the Jarzynski equality between the work function and the free energy. As an application, we show that the fast-forward process not only maximizes the output power but also improve the efficiency of a quantum engine.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1305.4207

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