Tuesday, May 28, 2013

1305.5853 (Michael Frey et al.)

Quantum Energy Teleportation between Spin Particles in Thermal

Michael Frey, Masahiro Hotta
Quantum energy teleportation is the transfer of energy between two physically separated, but quantum correlated, sites, accomplished without an external energy carrier, using a three-step LOCC (local operations and classical communication) protocol. We apply this LOCC teleportation protocol to a Heisenberg spin particle pair initially in a quantum thermal state, making temperature an explicit parameter. The thermal states of the spin pair are quantum correlated (entangled or otherwise) at all temperatures. We find that energy teleportation is possible at any temperature, even at temperatures above the threshold where the particles' entanglement vanishes. This shows for thermal spin states that entanglement is not fundamentally necessary for energy teleportation; quantum correlation other than entanglement can suffice. This is a new instance in which quantum dissonance (quantum correlation without entanglement) is seen to act as a quantum resource. We compare energy teleportation to particle B with direct local energy extraction by a general quantum operation on B and discover essentially two regimes: a high temperature regime where teleportation yields only vanishingly small amounts of energy relative to local extraction and a low-temperature teleportation regime where energy is available at B only by teleportation.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1305.5853

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