Friday, February 3, 2012

1202.0393 (Nicolas Vogt et al.)

Influence of two-level fluctuators on adiabatic passage techniques    [PDF]

Nicolas Vogt, Jared H. Cole, Michael Marthaler, Gerd Schön
We study the effect of two-level fluctuators (TLFs), as they are frequently
present in solid-state devices, on the process of Stimulated Raman Adiabatic
Passage (STIRAP) performed with a quan- tum three-level system. When the
amplitudes of the driving-pulses used in the STIRAP are in resonance with the
level spacing of the fluctuators the quality of the protocol, i.e., the
transferred population decreases sharply. In general the effect can not be
reduced by speeding up the STIRAP process. We also discuss the effect of a
structured noise environment on the process of Coherent Tunneling by Adiabatic
Passage (CTAP). The effect of a weakly structured environment or TLFs with
short coherence times on STIRAP and CTAP can be described by the Bloch-Redfield
theory. For a strongly structured environment a higher-dimensional approach has
to be used where the TLFs are treated as part of the system.
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