Tuesday, February 7, 2012

1202.0946 (Igor G. Vladimirov et al.)

Gaussian Stochastic Linearization for Open Quantum Systems Using
Quadratic Approximation of Hamiltonians

Igor G. Vladimirov, Ian R. Petersen
This paper extends the energy-based version of the stochastic linearization
method, known for classical nonlinear systems, to open quantum systems with
canonically commuting dynamic variables governed by quantum stochastic
differential equations with non-quadratic Hamiltonians. The linearization
proceeds by approximating the actual Hamiltonian of the quantum system by a
quadratic function of its observables which corresponds to the Hamiltonian of a
quantum harmonic oscillator. This approximation is carried out in a mean square
optimal sense with respect to a Gaussian reference quantum state and leads to a
self-consistent linearization procedure where the mean vector and quantum
covariance matrix of the system observables evolve in time according to the
effective linear dynamics. We demonstrate the proposed Hamiltonian-based
Gaussian linearization for the quantum Duffing oscillator whose Hamiltonian is
a quadro-quartic polynomial of the momentum and position operators. The results
of the paper are applicable to the design of suboptimal controllers and filters
for nonlinear quantum systems.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1202.0946

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