Friday, February 24, 2012

1202.5181 (A. S. Sanz)

Quantumness beyond quantum mechanics    [PDF]

A. S. Sanz
Bohmian mechanics allows us to understand quantum systems in the light of
other quantum traits than the well-known ones (coherence, diffraction,
interference, tunneling, discreteness, entanglement, etc.). Here the discussion
focusses precisely on two of these interesting aspects, which arise when
quantum mechanics is though within this theoretical framework: the non-crossing
property, which allows for distinguishability without erasing interference
patterns, and the possibility to define quantum probability tubes, along which
the probability remains constant all the way. Furthermore, taking into account
this hydrodynamic-like description as a link, it is also shown how this
knowledge (concepts and ideas) can be straightforwardly transferred to other
fields of physics (for example, the transmission of light along waveguides).
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