Wednesday, February 29, 2012

1202.6195 (Jovica Stanojevic et al.)

Controlling the quantum state of a single photon emitted from a single

Jovica Stanojevic, Valentina Parigi, Erwan Bimbard, Rosa Tualle-Brouri, Alexei Ourjoumtsev, Philippe Grangier
We investigate in detail the optimal conditions for a high fidelity transfer from a single-polariton state to a single-photon state and subsequent homodyne detection of the single photon. We assume that, using various possible techniques, the single polariton has initially been stored as a spin-wave grating in a cloud of cold atoms inside a low-finesse cavity. This state is then transferred to a single-photon optical pulse using an auxiliary beam. We optimize the retrieval efficiency and determine the mode of the local oscillator that maximizes the homodyne efficiency of such a photon. We find that both efficiencies can have values close to one in a large region of experimental parameters.
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