Wednesday, February 29, 2012

1202.6225 (A. Orefice et al.)

Quantum trajectories and Cushing's historical contingency    [PDF]

A. Orefice, R. Giovanelli, D. Ditto
With an apparent delay of over one century with respect to the development of standard Analytical Mechanics, but still in fully classical terms, the behavior of classical monochromatic wave beams in stationary media is shown to be ruled by a dispersive "Wave Potential" function, encoded in the structure of the Helmholtz equation. An exact, ray-based Hamiltonian description, revealing a strong ray coupling due to the Wave Potential, and reducing to the geometrical optics approximation when this function is neglected, is shown to hold even for typically wave-like phenomena such as diffraction and interference. Recalling, then, that the time-independent Schroedinger equation (associating the quantum motion of mono-energetic particles with stationary monochromatic matter waves) is itself a Helmholtz-like equation, the mathematical treatment holding in the classical case is extended, without resorting to statistical concepts, to the exact, trajectory-based, Hamiltonian quantum dynamics of point-like particles. The particle trajectories and motion laws turn out to be coupled, in this case, by a function strictly analogous to the Wave Potential and formally assuming the familiar form of Bohm's "Quantum Potential", which is therefore not so much a "quantum" as a "wave" property - in whose absence the quantum particle dynamics reduces to the classical one. The time-independent Schroedinger equation is argued to be not a trivial particular case of the time-dependent one, but the exact quantum dynamical ground on which Schroedinger's time-dependent statistical description (representing particles as travelling wave-packets) is based. It provides indeed the (exact) link between classical particle dynamics and Bohm's hydrodynamics.
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