Alexander Petrov, Eite Tiesinga, Svetlana Kotochigova
We explore the anisotropic nature of Feshbach resonances in the collision between ultracold magnetic submerged-shell dysprosium atoms, which can only occur due to couplings to rotating bound states. This is in contrast to well-studied alkali-metal atom collisions, where most Feshbach resonances are hyperfine induced and due to rotation-less bound states. Our novel first-principle coupled-channel calculation of the collisions between open-4f-shell spin-polarized bosonic dysprosium reveals a striking correlation between the anisotropy due to magnetic dipole-dipole and electrostatic interactions and the Feshbach spectrum as a function of an external magnetic field. Over a 20 mT magnetic field range we predict about a dozen Feshbach resonances and show that the resonance locations are exquisitely sensitive to the dysprosium isotope.
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