Zhao-Ming Wang, Lian-Ao Wu, Jun Jing, Bin Shao, Ting Yu
This paper considers a spin chain model by numerically solving the exact model to explore the non-perturbative dynamical decoupling regime, where an important issue arises recently (J. Jing, L.-A. Wu, J. Q. You and T. Yu, arXiv:1202.5056.). Our study has revealed a few universal features of non-perturbative dynamical control irrespective of the types of environments and system-environment couplings. We have shown that, for the spin chain model, there is a threshold and a large pulse parameter region where the effective dynamical control can be implemented, in contrast to the perturbative decoupling schemes where the permissible parameters are represented by a point or converge to a very small subset in the large parameter region admitted by our non-perturbative approach. An important implication of the non-perturbative approach is its flexibility in implementing the dynamical control scheme in a experimental setup. Our findings have exhibited several interesting features of the non-perturbative regimes such as the chain-size independence, pulse strength upper-bound, noncontinuous valid parameter regions, etc. Furthermore, we find that our non-perturbative scheme is robust against randomness in model fabrication and time-dependent random noise.
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