Tuesday, March 27, 2012

1203.5534 (Andrei Galiautdinov)

Simple protocol for generating W states in resonator-based quantum
computing architectures

Andrei Galiautdinov
We describe a simple, practical scheme for generating multi-qubit W states in resonator-based architectures, in which N Josephson phase qubits are capacitively coupled to a common resonator bus. The entire control sequence consists of three pulses: a local Rabi pulse that excites a single qubit in the circuit; a coupling pulse that transfers the qubit excitation to the resonator bus; and the main, entangling operation that simultaneously couples the bus to all N qubits. If the qubit-resonator coupling strength g is much smaller than the qubit energy splitting, the system initially excited into the near-degenerate single-excitation subspace stays within that subspace, while smoothly evolving toward the fully uniform W state superposition. The duration of the final entangling operation is found to decrease with the total number of the qubits according to t = pi/[2gN^(1/2)], in agreement with some of the previously proposed cavity QED W state generation schemes.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1203.5534

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