Xiaolong Su, Yaping Zhao, Shuhong Hao, Xiaojun Jia, Changde Xie, Kunchi Peng
Developing quantum information (QI) science have exhibited unusual potentiality. Optical QI based on exploiting discrete-variable (DV) of single-photon states (photonic qubits) and continuous-variable (CV) of optical modes (photonic qumodes) plays important role in QI development. The preparation of multipartite entangled states is the prerequisite for exploring QI networks and quantum computation. Very recently, eight-photon DV entanglement has been experimentally demonstrated. However, the numbers of spatially separable entangled qumodes generated by experiments still stay below four-partites, so far. Here, we present the first experimental demonstration of eight-partite spatially separated CV entangled states. The initial resource quantum states are eight squeezed states of light, through the linearly optical transformation of which two types of the eight-partite cluster entangled states are prepared, respectively. The generated eight entangled photonic qumodes are spatially separated, which provide valuable quantum resources to implement more complicated quantum information task.
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