Friday, May 11, 2012

1205.2121 (C. S. Gerving et al.)

Non-equilibrium dynamics of an unstable quantum pendulum    [PDF]

C. S. Gerving, T. M. Hoang, B. J. Land, M. Anquez, C. D. Hamley, M. S. Chapman
A pendulum prepared perfectly inverted and motionless is a prototype of unstable equilibria and corresponds to an unstable hyperbolic fixed point in the dynamical phase space. Unstable fixed points are central to understanding Hamiltonian chaos in classical systems. In many-body quantum systems, mean-field approximations fail in the vicinity of unstable fixed points and lead to dynamics driven by quantum fluctuations. Here, we measure the non-equilibrium dynamics of a many-body quantum pendulum initialized to a hyperbolic fixed point of the phase space. The experiment uses a spin-1 Bose condensate, which exhibits Josephson dynamics in the spin populations that correspond in the mean-field limit to motion of a non-rigid mechanical pendulum. The condensate is initialized to a minimum uncertainty spin state, and quantum fluctuations lead to non-linear spin evolution along a separatrix and non-Gaussian probability distributions that are measured to be in good agreement with exact quantum calculations up to 0.25 s. At longer times, atomic loss due to the finite lifetime of the condensate leads to larger spin oscillation amplitudes compared to no loss case as orbits depart from the separatrix. This demonstrates how decoherence of a many-body system can result in more apparent coherent behaviour. This experiment provides new avenues for studying macroscopic spin systems in the quantum limit and for investigations of important topics in non-equilibrium quantum dynamics.
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