Friday, May 11, 2012

1205.2306 (Marco Zaopo)

Informational Axioms for Quantum Theory    [PDF]

Marco Zaopo
In this paper we derive the complex Hilbert space formalism of Quantum theory from six simple informational axioms. It is shown that Quantum theory is the only probabilistic theory satisfying the following list of axioms: Symbolism, Distinguishability, Entropy, Compression, Reversibility and Local Tomography. Two important results are consequences of this reconstruction. If a theory satisfies the first four axioms then or it is classical or it constitutes a generalization of Quantum theory in which the superposition principle holds with amplitudes not necessarily complex but belonging to a generic field of numbers. In a theory in which superposition principle holds and where the set of pure states of a system is not finite, using complex amplitudes in superpositions of states is equivalent to have Local Tomography in the description of states of composite systems.
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