Friday, May 25, 2012

1205.5298 (A. S. Sanz et al.)

Alternative interpretation of high-order harmonic generation using
Bohmian trajectories

A. S. Sanz, B. B. Augstein, J. Wu, C. Figueira de Morisson Faria
A full quantum model of high-order harmonic generation is presented from a Bohmian-mechanical perspective. According to the three-step model, this phenomenon occurs due to the laser-induced recombination of an electron ejected by tunnel ionization with its parent ion. However, when revisited within the Bohmian scenario, we find that the high-harmonic spectrum is generated by those trajectories that reside well inside the core rather than by those that undergo excursions out of it. This agrees with the outcome of quantum mechanical studies, in which the spectrum is obtained through the dipole acceleration. Nevertheless, one may relate time-frequency maps from these central Bohmian trajectories to classical electrons behaving according to the three-step model. This happens because the quantum phase carried by each Bohmian trajectory is influenced by the whole wavefunction and, therefore, also by those trajectories that leave the core.
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