Friday, May 25, 2012

1205.5519 (Tobias Zech et al.)

Hidden symmetries enhance quantum transport in Light Harvesting systems    [PDF]

Tobias Zech, Roberto Mulet, Thomas Wellens, Andreas Buchleitner
For more than 50 years we have known that photosynthetic systems harvest solar energy with almost unit {\it quantum efficiency}. However, recent experimental evidence of {\it quantum coherence} during the excitonic energy transport in photosynthetic organisms challenges our understanding of this fundamental biological function. Currently, and despite numerous efforts, the causal connection between coherence and efficiency is still a matter of debate. We show, through the study of extensive simulations of quantum coherent transport on networks, that three dimensional structures characterized by centro-symmetric Hamiltonians are statistically more efficient than random arrangements. Moreover, we demonstrate that the experimental data available for the electronic Hamiltonians of the Fenna-Mathew-Olson (FMO) complex of sulfur bacteria and of the crypophyte PC645 complex of marine algae are consistent with this strong correlation of centro-symmetry with quantum efficiency. These results show that what appears to be geometrically disordered complexes may well exhibit a hidden symmetry which enhances the energy transport between chromophores. We are confident that our results will motivate research to explore the properties of nearly centro-symmetric Hamiltonians in more realistic environments, and to unveil the role of symmetries for quantum effects in biology. The unravelling of such symmetries may open novel perspectives and suggest new design principles in the development of artificial devices.
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