Monday, June 18, 2012

1111.5445 (Jingfu Zhang et al.)

Experimental Implementation of a Codeword Stabilized Quantum Code    [PDF]

Jingfu Zhang, Markus Grassl, Bei Zeng, Raymond Laflamme
A five-qubit codeword stabilized quantum code is implemented in a seven-qubit system using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Our experiment implements a good nonadditive quantum code which encodes a larger Hilbert space than any stabilizer code with the same length and capable of correcting the same kind of errors. The experimentally measured quantum coherence is shown to be robust against artificially introduced errors, benchmarking the success in implementing the quantum error correction code. Given the typical decoherence time of the system, our experiment illustrates the ability of coherent control to implement complex quantum circuits for demonstrating interesting results in spin qubits for quantum computing.
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