Monday, June 18, 2012

1206.3051 (Isaac J. Luxmoore et al.)

Interfacing a quantum dot spin with a photonic circuit    [PDF]

Isaac J. Luxmoore, Nicholas A. Wasley, Andrew J. Ramsay, Arthur C. T. Thijssen, Ruth Oulton, Maxime Hugues, Sachin Kasture, Achanta V. Gopal, A. Mark Fox, Maurice S. Skolnick
A scalable optical quantum information processor is likely to be a waveguide circuit with integrated sources, detectors, and either deterministic quantum-logic or quantum memory elements. With microsecond coherence times, ultrafast coherent control, and lifetime-limited transitions, semiconductor quantum-dot spins are a natural choice for the static qubits. However their integration with flying photonic qubits requires an on-chip spin-photon interface, which presents a fundamental problem: the spin-state is measured and controlled via circularly-polarised photons, but waveguides support only linear polarisation. We demonstrate here a solution based on two orthogonal photonic nanowires, in which the spin-state is mapped to a path-encoded photon, thus providing a blue-print for a scalable spin-photon network. Furthermore, for some devices we observe that the circular polarisation state is directly mapped to orthogonal nanowires. This result, which is physically surprising for a non-chiral structure, is shown to be related to the nano-positioning of the quantum-dot with respect to the photonic circuit.
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