Thursday, June 14, 2012

1206.2906 (Eric R. Bittner et al.)

Theory of vibronic assistance in the nonequilibrium condensation of
exciton polaritons in optically--pumped organic single crystal microcavities

Eric R. Bittner, Svitlana Zaster, Carlos Silva
We present a reaction/diffusion model for the formation of a lower polariton condensate in a micro cavity containing an organic semiconducting molecular crystalline film. Our model--based upon an anthracene film sandwiched between two reflecting dielectric mirrors--consists of three coupled fields corresponding to a gas of excitons created by an external driving pulse, a reservoir of vibron states formed by the coupling between a ground-state vibrational model and a cavity photon, and a lower polariton condensate. We show that at finite temperature, the presence of the vibron reservoir can augment the exciton population such that a lower critical pumping threshold is required to achieve condensation.
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