F. Kaiser, T. Coudreau, P. Milman, D. B. Ostrowsky, S. Tanzilli
Complementarity, that is the ability of a quantum object to behave either as a particle or as a wave, is one of the most intriguing features of quantum mechanics. An exemplary Gedanken experiment, emphasizing such a measurement-dependent nature, was suggested by Wheeler using single photons. The subtleness of the idea lies in the fact that the output beam-splitter of a Mach-Zehnder interferometer is put in or removed after a photon has already entered the interferometer, thus performing a delayed test of the wave-particle complementary behavior. Recently, it was proposed that using a quantum analogue of the output beam-splitter would permit carrying out this type of test after the detection of the photon and observing wave-particle superposition. In this paper we describe an experimental demonstration of these predictions using another extraordinary property of quantum systems, entanglement. We use a pair of polarization entangled photons composed of one photon whose nature (wave or particle) is tested, and of a corroborative photon that allows determining which one, or both, of these two aspects is being tested. This corroborative photon infers the presence or absence of the beam-splitter and until it is measured, the beam-splitter is in a superposition of these two states, making it a quantum beam-splitter. When the quantum beam-splitter is in the state present or absent, the interferometer reveals the wave or particle nature of the test photon, respectively. Furthermore, by manipulating the corroborative photon, we can continuously morph, via entanglement, the test photon from wave to particle behavior even after it was detected. This result underlines the fact that a simple vision of light as a classical wave or a particle is inadequate.
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