1206.6749 (Antonella De Pasquale)
Antonella De Pasquale
In this thesis we study the behavior of bipartite entanglement of a large quantum system, by analyzing the distribution of the Schmidt coefficients of the reduced density matrix. Applying the general methods of classical statistical mechanics, we develop a canonical approach for the study of the distribution of these coefficients for a fixed value of the average entanglement. We introduce a partition function depending on a fictitious temperature, which localizes the measure on the set of states with higher and lower entanglement, if compared to typical (random) states with respect to the Haar measure. The purity of one subsystem, which is our entanglement measure/indicator, plays the role of energy in the partition function. This thesis consists of two parts. In the first part, we completely characterize the distribution of the purity and of the eigenvalues for pure states. The global picture unveils several locally stable solutions exchange stabilities, through the presence of first and second order phase transitions. We also detect the presence of metastable states. In the second part, we focus on mixed states. Through the same statistical approach, we determine the exact expression of the first two moments of the local purity and the high temperature expansion of the first moment. We also bridge our problem with the theory of quantum channels, more precisely we exploit the symmetry properties of the twirling transformations in order to compute the exact expression for the first moment of the local purity.
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