Thursday, July 26, 2012

1110.1675 (Jie Cui et al.)

Controlling collisional decoherence of ultracold molecules in
superposition states by an external magnetic field

Jie Cui, Roman V. Krems
We present expressions demonstrating that collisional decoherence of ultracold atoms or molecules in a coherent superposition of non-degenerate quantum states is suppressed when both the real and imaginary parts of the scattering lengths for the states in the coherent superposition are equal. We show that the rate of collisional decoherence can be enhanced or suppressed by varying an external magnetic field near a Feshbach resonance. For some resonances, the suppression is very dramatic. We propose a method for measuring the scattering length of ultracold particles in excited quantum states exhibiting Feshbach resonances.
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