Wednesday, July 4, 2012

1207.0678 (Ho N. Phien et al.)

Dynamical windows for real-time evolution with matrix product states    [PDF]

Ho N. Phien, Guifré Vidal, Ian P. McCulloch
We propose the use of a dynamical window to investigate the real-time evolution of quantum many-body systems in a one-dimensional lattice. In a recent paper [H. Phien et al, arxiv:????.????], we introduced infinite boundary conditions (IBC) in order to investigate real-time evolution of an infinite system under a local perturbation. This was accomplished by restricting the update of the tensors in the matrix product state to a finite window, with left and right boundaries held at fixed positions. Here we consider instead the use of a dynamical window, namely a window where the positions of left and right boundaries are allowed to change in time. In this way, all simulation efforts can be devoted to the space-time region of interest, which leads to a remarkable reduction in computational costs. For illustrative purposes, we consider two applications in the context of the spin-1 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model in an infinite spin chain: one is an expanding window, with boundaries that are adjusted to capture the expansion in time of a local perturbation of the system; the other is a moving window of fixed size, where the position of the window follows the front of a propagating wave.
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