Wednesday, July 4, 2012

1207.0711 (Michal Svrcek)

The mystery of relationship of mechanics and field in the many-body
quantum world

Michal Svrcek
Bohr's complementarity, observed at the single-particle level, extends also to the nature of composite systems that can run under both mechanical as well as the field pattern. The Born-Oppenheimer approximation, despite its success and widespread use, is a merely pragmatic rule, and not the law of nature. It tries to solve under the mechanical pattern the hierarchy from atoms to molecules, which is reserved only for the field pattern. The gateway from the mechanical into the field pattern should be determined in order correctly to deal with the center of gravity, which is under the field pattern "materialized" in the form of new quasipartiles - rotons and translons. Until the J-T effect will be formulated and understood on the basis of the field pattern, we will never understand the principle of superconductivity. The correct criterion if the Jahn-Teller effect in a given system manifests itself or not, is determined via the matrix elements of electron-roton and electron-translon interactions. The "field" symmetry may differ from the "mechanical" symmetry, and this enigma is intrinsic just to superconductors. The small light electron can interact via the electron-roton and electron-translon interaction with the whole macroscopic crystal. And just here we can find the true explanation, why superconductivity is a microscopic effect on macroscopic level.
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