Wednesday, August 1, 2012

1207.7225 (H. N. Deota et al.)

Random matrix ensemble with random two-body interactions in presence of
a mean-field for spin one boson systems

H. N. Deota, N. D. Chavda, V. K. B. Kota, V. Potbhare, Manan Vyas
For $m$ number of bosons, carrying spin ($S$=1) degree of freedom, in $\Omega$ number of single particle orbitals, each triply degenerate, we introduce and analyze embedded Gaussian orthogonal ensemble of random matrices generated by random two-body interactions that are spin (S) scalar [BEGOE(2)-$S1$]. The embedding algebra is $U(3) \supset G \supset G1 \otimes SO(3)$ with SO(3) generating spin $S$. A method for constructing the ensembles in fixed-($m$, $S$) space has been developed. Numerical calculations show that the form of the fixed-($m$, $S$) density of states is close to Gaussian and level fluctuations follow GOE. Propagation formulas for the fixed-($m$, $S$) space energy centroids and spectral variances are derived for a general one plus two-body Hamiltonian preserving spin. In addition to these, we also introduce two different pairing symmetry algebras in the space defined by BEGOE(2)-$S1$ and the structure of ground states is studied for each paring symmetry.
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