Wednesday, August 1, 2012

1207.7340 (David Viennot et al.)

C\ast-geometric phase for mixed states: entanglement, decoherence and
spin system

David Viennot, José Lages
We study a kind of geometric phases for entangled quantum systems, and particularly a spin driven by a magnetic field and entangled with another spin. The new kind of geometric phase is based on an analogy between open quantum systems and dissipative quantum systems which uses a C\ast-module structure. We show that the system presents from the viewpoint of their geometric phases, two behaviours. The first one is identical to the behaviour of an isolated spin driven by a magnetic field, as the problem originally treated by Berry. The second one is specific to the decoherence process. The gauge structures induced by these geometric phases are then similar to a magnetic monopole gauge structure for the first case, and can be viewed as a kind of instanton gauge structure for the second case. We study the role of these geometric phases in the evolution of a mixed state, particularly by focusing on the evolution of the density matrix coherence. We investigate also the relation between the geometric phase of the mixed state of one of the entangled systems and the geometric phase of the bipartite system.
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