Wednesday, August 8, 2012

1208.1381 (Stafford Withington et al.)

Probing the Dynamical Behaviour of Surface Dipoles Through Energy
Absorption Interferometry

Stafford Withington, Christopher N. Thomas
Spatial interferometry, based on the measurement of total absorbed power, can be used to determine the state of coherence of the electromagnetic field to which any energy-absorbing structure is sensitive. The measured coherence tensor can be diagonalized to give the amplitude, phase, polarization patterns, and responsivities of the individual electromagnetic modes through which the structure can absorb energy. Because the electromagnetic modes are intimately related to dynamical modes of the system, information about collective excitations can be found. We present simulations, based on the Discrete Dipole Approximation (DDA), showing how the dynamical modes of systems of surface dipoles can be recovered. Interactions are taken into consideration, leading to long-range coherent phenomena, which are revealed by the method. The use of DDA enables the interferometric response of a wide variety of objects to be modeled, from patterned photonic films to biological macromolecules.
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