Thursday, September 13, 2012

1209.2521 (V. Jelic et al.)

The double well potential in quantum mechanics: a simple, numerically
exact formulation

V. Jelic, F. Marsiglio
The double well potential is arguably one of the most important potentials in quantum mechanics, because the solution contains the notion of a state as a linear superposition of `classical' states, a concept which has become very important in quantum information theory. It is therefore desirable to have solutions to simple double well potentials that are accessible to the undergraduate student. We describe a method for obtaining the numerically exact eigenenergies and eigenstates for such a model, along with the energies obtained through the Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin (WKB) approximation. The exact solution is accessible with elementary mathematics, though numerical solutions are required. We also find that the WKB approximation is remarkably accurate, not just for the ground state, but for the excited states as well.
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