Monday, October 8, 2012

1210.1810 (Umesh Vazirani et al.)

Fully device independent quantum key distribution    [PDF]

Umesh Vazirani, Thomas Vidick
We give the first general device-independent proof of security of quantum key distribution, establishing universally composable security against the most general quantum eavesdropping attacks. Our proof of security applies to a protocol, closely related to Ekert's original proposal for entanglement-based quantum key distribution, that is both efficient and noise-tolerant. The only assumption required is that each user has access to a quantum mechanical device, such that the two devices are spatially isolated throughout the protocol. The eavesdropper is only bound by the laws of quantum mechanics. Under these assumptions, we demonstrate the possibility to extract a linear amount of key even when the devices are subject to a constant rate of noise.
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