Tuesday, November 27, 2012

1211.5801 (Ran Fischer et al.)

Bulk Nuclear Polarization Enhanced at Room-Temperature by Optical

Ran Fischer, Christian O. Bretschneider, Paz London, Dmitry Budker, David Gershoni, Lucio Frydman
Bulk 13C polarization can be strongly enhanced in diamond at room-temperature based on the optical pumping of nitrogen-vacancy color centers. This effect was confirmed by irradiating suitably aligned single-crystals placed at a ~50 mT field, rapidly shuttling the sample into a custom-built NMR setup, and subsequent 13C detection. A nuclear polarization of ~0.4% - equivalent to the 13C polarization achievable by thermal means at fields of ~2000 T - was measured, and its bulk nature determined based on chemical shift and relaxation measurements. The enhanced polarization strongly depends on the magnitude of the magnetic field, including sign alterations, due to the anisotropic nature of the NV- nuclei coupling. Owing to its simplicity, this 13C room-temperature polarizing strategy provides a promising new addition to existing nuclear hyperpolarization techniques.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1211.5801

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