Tuesday, February 5, 2013

1302.0626 (Xin-Wen Wang et al.)

Many-to-one remote information concentration for qudits and multipartite

Xin-Wen Wang, Shi-Qing Tang, Li-Jun Xie, Deng-Yu Zhang, Le-Man Kuang
Telecloning and its reverse process, referred to as remote information concentration (RIC), have attracted considerable interest because of their potential applications in quantum-information processing. We here present a general scheme for RIC in $d$-level systems (qudits), in which the quantum information initially distributed in many spatially separated qudits can be remotely and deterministically concentrated to a single qudit via an entangled channel without performing any global operations. We show that the entangled channel of RIC can be different types of entangled states, including mixed states as well as pure ones. More interestingly, these mixed states include a bound entangled state which has a similar form to the generalized Smolin state but has different characteristics from it. We also show that there exists a multipartite entangled state which can be used to implement both telecloning and RIC in the two-level system.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1302.0626

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