Wednesday, March 6, 2013

1210.0028 (Jorge G. Hirsch et al.)

Virtues and limitations of the truncated Holstein-Primakoff description
of quantum rotors

Jorge G. Hirsch, Octavio Castanos, Ramon Lopez-Pena, Eduardo Nahmad-Achar
A Hamiltonian describing the collective behaviour of N interacting spins can be mapped to a bosonic one employing the Holstein-Primakoff realisation, at the expense of having an infinite series in powers of the boson creation and annihilation operators. Truncating this series up to quadratic terms allows for the obtention of analytic solutions through a Bogoliubov transformation, which becomes exact in the limit N -> infinit. The Hamiltonian exhibits a phase transition from single spin excitations to a collective mode. In a vicinity of this phase transition the truncated solutions predict the existence of singularities for finite number of spins, which have no counterpart in the exact diagonalization. Renormalisation allows to extract from these divergences the exact behaviour of relevant observables with the number of spins around the phase transition, and relate it with the class of universality to which the model belongs. In the present work a detailed analysis of these aspects is presented for the Lipkin model.
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