Wednesday, March 6, 2013

1303.1139 (Rockson Chang et al.)

Observing the Onset of Effective Mass    [PDF]

Rockson Chang, Shreyas Potnis, Ramon Ramos, Chao Zhuang, Matin Hallaji, Alex Hayat, Federico Duque-Gomez, J. E. Sipe, Aephraim M. Steinberg
The response of a particle in a periodic potential to an applied force is commonly described by an effective mass which accounts for the detailed interaction between the particle and the surrounding potential. Using a Bose-Einstein condensate of 87-Rb atoms initially in the ground band of an optical lattice, we experimentally show that the initial response of a particle to an applied force is in fact characterized by the bare mass. Subsequently, the particle response undergoes rapid oscillations and only over timescales long compared to that of the interband dynamics is the effective mass observed to be an appropriate description.
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