Friday, March 1, 2013

1302.7165 (Cristian E. Susa et al.)

Correlations in emitters coupled to plasmonic waveguides    [PDF]

Cristian E. Susa, John H. Reina, Luis L. Sánchez-Soto
We report on quantum, classical, and total correlations in a set of distant quantum emitters that couple via their interaction with the plasmon modes of a one-dimensional waveguide, and are under external laser pumping. We calculate the correlations for the bare emitters. We show that the emitters become, rather than entangled, strongly quantum correlated (in the sense of the quantum discord) via the plasmon bus. The coupling with the plasmonic modes and the way they relate to the collective decay rate suggest that entanglement does not play a significant role in the qubit dynamics. Rather, discord is the quantity that matters and should be used as a physical resource in this system. This said, we emphasize that the concurrence might not give a proper picture of the actual entanglement present in the qubit-plasmon setup under consideration.
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