Wednesday, April 3, 2013

1304.0319 (Christine A. Muschik et al.)

Quantum Teleportation of Dynamics and Effective Interactions Between
Remote Systems

Christine A. Muschik, Klemens Hammerer, Eugene S. Polzik, Ignacio J. Cirac
Most protocols for Quantum Information Processing consist of a series of quantum gates, which are applied sequentially. In contrast, interactions, for example between matter and fields, as well as measurements such as homodyne detection of light, are typically continuous in time. We show how the ability to perform quantum operations continuously and deterministically can be leveraged for inducing non-local dynamics between two separate parties. We introduce a scheme for the engineering of an interaction between two remote systems and present a protocol which induces a dynamics in one of the parties, which is controlled by the other one. Both schemes apply to continuous variable systems, run continuously in time and are based on real-time feedback.
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